Health is Wealth! And it includes so many facets…emotional, physical, mental, energetic and more. The frequency of feeling GOOD!
Have you been searching for the just the right information to help you and your loved ones have vibrant health and radiant energy?
Join with like-minded community from around the world for over 30 powerful presentations from Master healers/teachers/speakers gathering for a variety of experiences to help you align with the frequency of health.
We are so excited to share these amazing people and their unique gifts and tools and techniques for living a happy and healthy life.
Some of the presentations include:
Sound Healing and the Power of Music, Ayurveda and Siddha Veda (The ancient Sciences of Health and Success), The Freedom from Fear Formula, Ancient Secrets that will Transform Your Life, Awakening Divine Feminine, Breathing Your Way to Health, Manifest Your Destiny: The 3 R’s to Unleashing Your Emotional Freedom, 7 Principles of Conscious Creation, 8 Dimensions of Wellness, ”Is Prayer Medicine?”, Weaving Healing Webs of Connection, Choosing Intuitively–Reframing Commitments, Feng Shui Secrets, Healing the Heart’s Light, We are Multi-dimensional Beings, Our Physical Position and Its Influence on Ease and Energy in the Body, Finding the Stillpoint for Self-Care & Community Care, The Art of Grieving: How Art and Art-Making Helps Us Live Our Best Lives Now, Loving Depression, A Users Guide to Stepping Out of the Shadows, It’s time for Freedom- Importance of Energetically Releasing Trauma From The Body, Clearing Unseen Negative Influences, and much more!
Only $44 for 3 full days of experiences with a like-minded and like-hearted online community from around the globe. Recordings will be made available after the event.
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