Rev. Jody Curtis is a Creative Consultant, Thought Leader and Spiritual Coach, as well as a homeschooling mom of an awesome 9 year old daughter.
Jody developed a deep understanding of the breath of life and the Creative Spirit within, after overcoming stage 4 blood cancer in her early 30’s. This took her even deeper into her journey of understanding and utilizing the magic of nature’s gifts, and the power of the human mind and spirit for health and healing.
She has worked with many people from all walks of life to help uplevel their thinking, and fully utilize ancient wisdom as well as modern tools to spark the creator and healer within.
Jody loves helping people heal themselves gently and naturally, as well as activate their own superpowers to make their dreams a reality.
Currently, she teaches ancient Tibetan breathwork and other classes internationally online, and has students in 93 countries. She is a Reverend of the Science of Mentalphysics, and a founder and Creator at EmpowerHouse Productions.
Jody has published articles in health/wellness/spiritual publications as well as given talks on a variety of subjects over the span of many years.
She is passionate about creating content that uplifts, inspires and empowers humankind.
When she is not creating content and building her online empire, you can find her painting, singing, hiking in nature or jumping on the trampoline with her daughter.
Speaker, Voiceover Artist, Author
Jody teaches ancient Tibetan breathwork and other classes internationally online, and has students in 93 countries.
She is a Spiritual “Life-Strategist”, Reverend of the Science of Mentalphysics, and a founder and Content Creator at EmpowerHouse Productions.